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Volunteers & Jobs

Summer 2025 Job postings

Project Manager Posting 2025

Senior Leader Posting 2025

How you can participate in your Community Centre programs

Youth Volunteers

Volunteer Opportunities 13-18yrs

All volunteers are required to complete a Volunteer Application Form, Youth Volunteer Waiver, and attend a Volunteer Orientation prior to volunteering. A police information check will be required for youth 16yrs+. Volunteer orientations are hosted at the beginning of each season. For more information about volunteer opportunities contact the Community Youth Worker at

Administrative Assistant

Get volunteer hours for school and gain administrative related experience to prepare you for work!

Youth Room Supervisor

Get volunteer hours for school and gain leadership skills to prepare you for work!

Special Events

A majority of our special events are held on the weekends. Some special events include Halloween Howlers, Breakfast with Santa, Easter Carnival, Marpole Community Day, etc.

Snack Bar Youth Volunteer (15yrs+)

Do you have a passion for food, like helping others in a fast paced setting, and want to learn some business and marketing skills at the same time? Help raise money and gain valuable volunteer experience that can help you pursue a career in the food/restaurant industry!

Become a Program Instructor

1. How do I become a class instructor?

Interested instructors must complete and submit an application along with required attachments. Applications will be reviewed by recreation staff and the Marpole-Oakridge Association, and interviews will be held with applicants whose applications are approved.

2. What are the timelines for submitting my application?

Classes are offered on a seasonal basis. Here are the application deadlines based on what season you are interested in instructing:

Fall (September through December): June 15

Winter (January through March): September 15

Spring (March through June): December 15

Summer (June through August): March 15

3. How are instructors paid?

Marpole-Oakridge Community Centre offers two options for instructors:

a) Volunteer Basis
An instructor may choose to volunteer their time in teaching and receive no wage. The instructor must fill out a volunteer timesheet, and (if necessary) successfully pass a Police Information Check.

b) Contract Instructor
Instructor signs agreement for services and the rate of wage is negotiated between the instructor and the centre programmer. The contract instructor will receive no benefits and must submit an invoice(s) to the centre programmer. All instructors are required to complete a Police Information Check, with an approved clearance.

4. What days of the week can I instruct?

Courses can be offered over a wide range of hours throughout the week. The class may be a 1-day course for an hour, a course which spans up to 12 weeks, or anything in between.

5. How much will the class cost participants?

We determine the class fee based on a formula that will reflect the cost of the instructor’s wage, room rental expense, supplies, and indirect costs.