Program Information
How to Register
Online registration
Check out our program categories—you can click the “Website” link for any of our featured programs to be taken directly to its registration page or browse entire program categories that you are interested in.
Alternatively, you can register directly through the City of Vancouver website at Select “Enroll Now”. You can browse and search activities without an account, but you need to create an online account before you can register.
Registering by phone
Call our front desk staff at 604-257-8180 (ext. 1). You can register yourself and up to two other people in each course. VISA and Mastercard are accepted over the phone.
Registering in person
Our front desk staff are happy to help you register for programs when you visit the centre in person. You can register yourself and up to two other people in each course. Cash, debit, cheque, VISA and Mastercard are accepted.
Interested in a program? Register early!
Great programs are at risk of being cancelled if everyone waits until the last minute to register! The staff team make decisions on programs two days prior to the start date. If not enough people sign up, the program will either be cancelled or postponed. Don’t be disappointed, register early to reserve your spot!
NOTE: The nature of the activity is such that you may interact with other people who are considered to be in good health, continuous physical distance between other people cannot be guaranteed, and, by participating in the activity, you are at risk of being infected by a pathogen, including but not limited to SARS-COV-2, which causes the disease COVID-19.
Communicable Disease Health & Safety Practices:
• Participants are required to comply with the current Orders of the Provincial Health Officer. For more information, please cut and paste into your web browser:
• Participants should assess themselves daily for symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other infectious respiratory disease before attending the Facility.
• Participants who are ill, including participants of essential service providers, should not attend a program or access the Community Centre. If you are unsure, you should self-isolate and contact 8-1-1 or the local public health unit.
• All participants are encouraged to practice proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette by covering coughs or sneezes.
A $5.00 administration fee per program, per person will be charged for all program refunds, unless the program is cancelled by the Community Centre.
• Refund requests must be received by phone or in-person to the front office during operational hours with the required notice as outlined below.
• Regular weekly programs (exceptions are noted below): a full refund less the admin fee will be provided if requested at least 7 calendar days before the program start date. Refunds requested within 6 calendar days of the program start date and up to 72 hours before the start of the scheduled second session, will be charged for the first session and the admin fee. No refunds thereafter.
• One-day sessions and events, workshops, out-trips, and court rentals: a full refund less the admin fee will be provided if requested at least 7 calendar days before the program start date. No refunds thereafter.
• Week-long programs (such as day camps): a full refund less the admin fee will be provided if requested at least 14 calendar days before the program start date. No refunds thereafter.
• 10 usage passes (dance, sports, aerobics) and 1 month aerobics passes: no refunds are available.
• Aerobics FitPass: full refunds are not available. Refunds requested before the halfway point of the season (based on pass dates), will be charged 50% of the total pass fee and the admin fee. No refunds thereafter.